Another Blog About Momming, and All That Jazz

I'm creating this blog and I'm thinking, "Now what?" It's probably not a good idea to start writing when my head is full of fluff. Yet here I am. Head full of fluff and everything. Maybe you're wondering why? Maybe not, but either way here I go.

From Ecotextiles

I guess I have a lot to say about motherhood. Just ask my husband. I tend to go off on rants and then compare my methods to those of other mothers, and I ask him, "Am I doing this right?" His answer is always the same.

"Of course."

That doesn't mean I'm perfect. He knows it. In fact, I believe that admitting I have faults and weaknesses makes me a more aware and perceptive mother. I yell. I fight. I feel no pity if my son hurts himself after he does something I've warned him not to. Because I'm kind of selfish and prideful. Did I mention selfish?

From Adagio Teas

First, I'll tell you that I have three boys (I call them Neapolitan boys sometimes because they have blonde, brown, and red hair) and have been married for seventeen years. I have two teenagers, both taller than I am, and a youngin' in fourth grade. My husband is an excellent artist whose work can be found across the Western states. I don't have an artistic bone in my body. Want to see this awesome stick figure I drew on my phone?

My original artwork. Nice, right? 

Mostly I write words. Words are my favorite. From the time I took English in ninth grade, I knew that would be "my" subject. I love poetry and Shakespeare and Jane Austen. I don't know that I could ever have a favorite book, but I love to read. I'm still in school (forever, it seems like), so you'll probably hear me rant about that from time to time. I rant about a lot of things.

Which is mostly what this blog is going to be. I'm not trying to rile anyone up, and I love comments and conversations, as long as they're civilized. There is no judging here, people. I accept everyone here. Even if you're an insurance agent.

Tired Mom

I love being a mom, but you will hear me say unthinkable things about it. You will hear truth and opinion. You're a mature person who can discern for herself/himself what you agree with and what you don't, and I love that. I love that we are different and believe and like different things. Otherwise, we'd live in a boring, awful world.

Looking forward to soapboxing, chatting, and hearing about your experiences too. Feel free to pitch in anytime!

Until next time, enjoy the fall!
