I'm Sorry, What Did You Say?

5 Things I Do To Keep My Brain In Working Order

So today's weather was beautiful! And I mean not-over-80-degree-gorgeous with a light breeze and puffy clouds. The whole deal. I sent my son out to cut off one of our pumpkins that had turned orange and the vine had gone brown, and that's how I could tell it was ready. Oh, and that reminds me, one time when I was a kid my dad carved a jack-o-lantern out of a massive zucchini from our garden. My neighbor gave us zucchini, so much that I can't use it all. I hate throwing good things away. It makes me think of people who have no food, and don't you know I have so much food?! Which reminds me, when I was reading Wordsworth today he talked about how he went among the impoverished to write poetry for all men, not just for the elite. And- oh look at that moon!
Me, looking at, I think, a super moon last year.
You get where I'm going with this, right? Last night I could NOT focus on anything. ANYTHING! It was infuriating. I was lucky I ate at my mom's and didn't have to handle anything dangerous, like a chopping knife or a hot pan. Could've been ugly.
Found on Pinterest
Am I getting old? Losing my mind? Probably a little, tiny, bit. I complain about it a lot, and my husband reminds me that I've got a lot going on. When one new thought enters, another one slips away. I know my brain doesn't have the capacity to retain every bit of information I'd like it too, but I also know I can do better. I have many days where I know I need to get my brain in shape again. I'm not that old.

So, here is a short list; maybe they'll help you, maybe you can comment with your own suggestions. The world knows I could use more. (By the way, I do NOT CLAIM to be an expert on this subject. I'm just old and slightly experienced.)

1. Play brain games like Sudoku. You can get this app on your smart phone. You can play it on your computer. You can buy a book from the dollar store and use a pencil. Really, there is no end. I also have a crossword app and a word search app. If you're really into brain games, you could pay for the Luminosity app. I've done several trials, and they're good, but I don't love them enough to buy the the full application.

2. Chess. Okay, it doesn't have to be chess. I got this idea from my husband after realizing that the problem-solving, strategic part of my brain is practically non-existent. I will admit, chess easily frustrates me and I'm not likely to stick to it. I do try to play it once in awhile, but mostly I stick to Clue. I don't love RISK either, but it's still wildly popular and highly recommended by my kids.

From List Challenges
3. Read a book. This can be any book you want. I know that you don't have time. I don't either. Your kids probably have a set amount of time they read every day. Why shouldn't you? Ten minutes? Five? If you want a better workout for your brain, pick harder books. They can be novels. I, for instance, read mostly YA and easy fiction, because I spend the rest of my time reading nineteenth century British Literature as well as modern persuasive articles. Really, any well written book will help your brain out. Like Harry Potter! Use Overdrive or another library app. The possibilities are endless. Need more reasons? Visit the post 6 Science-Backed Reasons To Go Read A Book Right Now (Hint: one of those reasons is for your brain).
From RedBubble

4. Move away from your screen. Let me edit this. If you're using your computer to do something creative, keep at it. If you're using social media, checking email, watching Netflix, and you've been doing this for more than two hours? Step away. If you require entertainment, try creating your own. Cell phones were invented by people who refused to stand still (ironic, right?). Things are made. Problems are solved. Something I need to remember when I'm phone-distracted.

From Style Craze
5. Be healthy. I know you hate to hear it. Because we heart it every day. EVERY. DAY. And we try. But there are studies that prove that healthy food benefits your brain and that sugar harms it. Want proof? Read This Is What Sugar Does To Your Brain at Huffpost. Or read 9 Foods That May Help Save Your Memory. (Except I would ignore the bit about the red wine. My doctor recently told me that it's false advertising. Not only is pure red grape juice full of antioxidants, it doesn't have the negative effects of alcohol.) Exercise is also crucial for a fit mind. The rhythm of running, dancing, a basketball dribble, all work your brain in addition to your body.

Having said all of this silly stuff, I'll end with this. Hang in there. Being a mom is rough on your body and your mind. If you're trying, then you're doing a good job. I don't think I've ever met a mom who had all of her marbles completely together. You're doing just fine.

Come back next time for a thoughtful rant. Glad you stopped by! Have an awesome day!
